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Law Firm Strategies for the 21st Century (1. ed).

Dieses Buch fasst Beiträge von weltweit tätigen Praktikern und Spezialisten zusammen, in einer einmaligen Edition. Auf Basis der neuesten Forschung zu Professional Service Firms und unter Einbezug führender Wissenschaftler, schafft dieses Buch erstmalig den Bogen von der Theorie zur Praxis.

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Table of contents:

Introduction 5 Maximo Bomchil, M&M Bomchil Christoph H Vaagt, Law Firm Change Consultants
General aspects of law firm strategies

Strategy in law firms  what it is and why we should care 11Bente Lowendahl, BI Norwegian Business School
The role of professional ethics in shaping law firms strategy 21 Tomasz Wardinsky, Wardinsky & Partners
Easy and difficult at the same time: some general considerations on law 29 firm strategy
Peter Kurer, BLR & Partners AG

Drivers of change  drivingstrategy in law firms 45
Mats Anderson, Linklaters; clear blue water
Trends in the legal industry. a US perspective 55 David Barnard Miriam Herman Blaqwell Inc
Emerging market response to trends shaping the legal market 77
Irina Paliashvili; RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group, PA

Resource side strategies
Resource based approach to strategy 85
Dina Gracheva; Dow Chemical

Introducing a balanced scorecard in a multi- jurisdictional partnership 93 Peter Oberlechner; Wolf Theiss
Career paths in law firms the need for flexibility 105 Jaime Fernández Madero Fernández Madero Consulting
Strategic challenges of new firm leadership 117 Patrick J McKenna McKenna & Associates Inc
Crafting and executinG better strategy: emerging systems and structures in law firms 123 Rob Millard; Cambridge Strategy
Improving efficiency in law firms in times of flat turnover and increasing costs 139Ashley Balls, LegalBestPractice

Market side strategies
Law firm strategy: serving: the results-driven in-house law department 153
Richard Given, HSBC
Paul Lippe, OnRamp Systems

Professionalising pricing and procurement processes 163
Silvia Hodges Silverstein, Columbia Law School; Fordham Law School; TyMetrix Legal Analytics
The changing relationship between clients and law firm 175
Mark Jones, Addleshaw Goddard LLP
How to screw up your international expansion: a 15-step guide 191
Robert C Bata, WarwickPlace Legal LLC
How to merge: lessons from 20 years of law firm mergers 203
Lisa R Smith, Fairfax Associates
What can your firm do to win and keep clients today? 215 E Leigh Dance ELD International LLC
Corporate reputation: definitions and dimensions 223
Will Harvey, University of Exeter Business School; Centre for Corporate Reputation, Said Business School, University of Oxford
Tim Morris, University of Oxford
Michael Smets, Said Business School, University of Oxford
Reputation and relationship capital of law firms 235 Philip Rodney Burness Paull

Consulting Editor: Christoph H Vaagt on behalf of the International Bar Association
Publication date: December 2013
Format: Hardback
Length: 252 pages
Price: £95.00
ISBN: 9781909416161